I tried the PLiXiR balanced DC Power Supply in two configurations. The first was direct to the power distributor (raw AC). I could discern greater drive, pace, rhythm and dynamics though the space around instruments and vocals was not quiet as obvious as when using the SLAP.
Second, when plugging the PLiXiR balanced DC Power Supply to my Isotek power conditioner which in turn is plugged into the Kemp DC filter. Now the sound was clearly superior to the SLAP. The initial observations of lack of space around instruments and vocals was moot. Soft background instruments was clearly more audible. Overall, the pre-conditioning of the AC prior to it entering the linear PSU proved highly beneficial. I commend you on your efforts in designing the linear PSU.
After more than 100hrs of burning in, the sound quality has improved by another notch.
Kalani, using Plixir BDC 5A on his hard-disc storage