Here is the link to the detail set up and technical reviews on Elite BAC3000 by 6 moons.
Extract only the conclusion :
Playing these albums with the PLiXiR made no minor difference to the sound. First we noticed the background. With now clean power, there was a pitch-black backdrop giving more contrast to instruments in front of it. Together with improved definition, dynamics were wider as well. Together the result was far more detail and natural tonality with increased stage depth. From vinyl to streaming is nowadays a small step but in a romantic sense, remains far bigger. To us, the ritual of vinyl still has something of the sacred. From the hunt for something special—we scored the above albums during our latest shopping in Antwerp— to the cleaning and turning, it's all a matter of attention; centering mindfulness if you like. Going with Tidal, Qobuz or accessing things via Roon is very convenient but so is McDonald's. Anyway, we played a wide selection of musical styles from Leonard Cohen to Eric Vloeimans to Alice Merton and Parov Stelar (really), again first without AC conditioning, later with the PLiXiR.
Depending on recording/mastering quality, the differences were not trivial. If there was significant spatial and microdynamic information hidden in the groove or bit stream, filtering the AC allowed the equipment to deliver more because the noise floor had lowered. Furthermore, less noise meants less filtering for us to do. Our complex ear/brain system dislikes noise and will try to compensate. This consumes energy to hasten onset of listener fatigue. The PLiXiR BAC 3000 did an excellent job of eliminating noise riding on the incoming AC, residual ground loops and interferences between connected components. This power conditioner provided a very revealing, pleasant and non-fatiguing listening experience and gets you a bit of what Paradise could have been hadn't it been for that slithering seducer of a sexy serpent.